Learn more about the clinical volunteering placements:
To learn more about how to apply for clinical volunteering placements:
Clinical Placement
In-Person Clinical Placement
Handi-Care Intl. (HCI) has been facilitate clinical placements for PT/ OT/ SLP students in India since 2006 at our partner organization – Amar Seva Sangam (hyperlink to ASSA webpage) located in the rural town of Ayikudy in Tamil Nadu, India. HCI has agreements in place with 10 Canadian Universities and 1 university in USA to facilitate these placements. In addition, we have had North American OT, PT, SLP volunteers come to ASSA to act as mentors and coaches to both students and India therapists.
We have placed over 250 occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy students and professionals in this clinical exchange. Students and therapists work in ASSA’s various departments where they provide assessments and interventions for clients with disabilities, including both adult and children. The placement focuses on capacity building, knowledge exchange, and sustainable interventions.
Testimonials from the students (In-Person)
Therapy centers at Amar Seva Sangam where student placements can occur:
Institution Based Rehabilitation (IBR)
- Young Adults with Spinal Cord Injury (inpatient)
- Early Intervention of children (age: 0-6) with developmental delay (CP, autism, speech, lanugauge, hearing impairment, and congenital deformities)
- Children (age >6) with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities
- Special Needs School (Children with Intellectual disabilities)
- Outpatient Stroke, MSK, and Neuro Rehab
Village Based Rehabilitation (VBR) / Community / Home-Based Program
- Children (age >10) with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities
- Early Intervention, age: 0-10 with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities
Clinical Placement
- Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, and SLP graduate students are invited to apply for clinical placements with Handi Care Intl. for a duration required by the university (which range form 6 – 12 weeks)
- Placement will involve clinical work and project work (with dedicated time for project work)
- Students will be placed at Amar Seva Sangam(ASSA)- our partner facility in South India, where food and accomodations are provided on campus
- Supervision will be provided by PT, OT and SLPs working at ASSA
- North American volunteer therapists (OT, PT, SLP) are also welcome to apply for a volunteer position to support and mentor both North American students and ASSA’s therapists.
Handi-Care Intl.’s role:
- We act as liaison between the university, students, volunteers and Amar Seva Sangam for the placement
- Once your application is received and approved, you will be given a shared link and are required to read the orientation manual. You will find all the relevant details, contacts and info in these document, that can help you with preparation.
- We provide orientations online before departure and connect you with alumni.
- Universities and families can contact us in case of emergency.
Requirements from applicants:
- A donation of $300 is payable to Handi-Care Intl. per week of placement for students. Tax receipt will be provided.
- Students can apply for concession if they do not have any other funding and they can not afford the stipulated fee. They can send an email to dkrish6@gmail.com. their request will be assessed through an interview.
- Professional volunteer are not charged a fee, but are welcome to give a donation to cover the cost of accommodation
- An application to be filed with HCI.
- Feedback form to be completed and submitted to HCI and the end of the placement.
Travel and Accommodation
Getting their / Flights:
1. Flight:
- Costs vary depending on time of year (from $1200- $2000)
- We recommend using a travel agent as you may get better rates and support. Feel free to use local travel agent.
2 options: In both options, travel time by taxi to ASSA is approx. 3 hours.
- Fly into Trivandrum (also known as Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala).
- Fly into Madurai.
Pick up from airport will be arranged by ASSA. Details in the orientation manual.
Passport and Visa
- You need a passport valid for at least 6 months after arrival.
Valid VISA will be necessary. Please see orientation manual for more information
Pre-Departure and Depature
- Please check Guidelines for International Travel from Govt of India:
- https://www.mea.gov.in/guidelines-for-international-arrivals.htm
- You must be fully vaccinated with a WHO-approved COVID vaccine
- Submit the self-declaration form on the online Air Suvidha portal (www.newdelhiairport.in) before the scheduled travel
- Upload a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR report.
- Each passenger shall also submit a declaration with respect to the authenticity of the report
After Arrival
- Submission of sample for post-arrival COVID-19 test at the point of arrival after which they will be allowed to leave the airport
- Home quarantine for 5 days within ASSA campus
Re-test on the 5th day will be arranged within ASSA campus and if negative, can be out of quarantine on Day 6.
Health and Vaccination
- Vaccines needed:
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Typhoid, Covid-19 - Malaria Prophylaxis and Dukoral recommended (not mandatory)
- Medications to bring: Advil, Tylenol, Benadryl, Imodium, and rehydration salts
- Personal prescriptions: anti-malarial, emergency antibiotics, mild laxative, travel strength Probiotics, and epi-pen
Travel medical insurance is required.
Accommodation Information
Included in this are:
- Rooms are provided on ASSA campus in a dedicated guest house and have attached washroom and may have to be shared with up to 2 other students.
- 3 vegetarian meals a day and access to coffee and tea all day long. The kitchen staff is very accommodating and understanding. They will oblige and prepare the meals to your liking and tolerance. E.g., less spicy, etc.
- Visiting North American supervisors will not share accommodation with students.
- Work-related trips to adjacent villages
- Minor health issues can be treated by the staff doctor on campus at no fee. (You will have to pay for the medicines)
Not included:
- Additional snack items, such as fruits, cookies, etc.
- Personal trips for sightseeing, shopping, etc.
- Medical consultations and medicines (Your insurance will cover most of this)
Interested applicants are asked to contact Handi-Care Intl. at info@handicareintl.org or Dr. Krishna at dkrish6@gmail.com for placement availability. Upon confirming availability, Please click and apply and upload photograph of yours and the indemnity form .
Click here to Apply Clinical Placement Form
Note: You must have a valid gmail e-mail ID, to be able to proceed with filling the application. If you do not have one, please contact us at info@handicareintl.org
Virtual Placement Overview
Handi-Care Intl. has been facilitating virtual placements since 2020 and over 30 OT, PT and SLP students from various Canadian universities have participated. This placement occurs with students based in Canada and with clients and lead therapist supervisor in India with a North American support mentor usually available as a coach. Students will video-conference in to synchronous therapy session and also work asynchronously on intervention research, planning, consulting with supervisors and project work. This placement will focus more on providing education, mentoring, and intervention approaches. There will be a strong emphasis on community development compared to individual therapy. An active role is to be taken to make a positive impact among clients and the environment.
Testimonials from the students (Virtual)
- Students will work in pairs and be assigned a Indian OT, PT, SLP
- Students may each be assigned a North American off-site support coach.
- The Indian OT, PT, SLP will be lead supervisor. Off-site supports will provide preceptor coaching to the Indian OT, PT, SLP as needed and provide support to students. A key role of off-site coach is helping students with bridging knowledge across contexts.
- Indian supervisor will complete student evaluations while taking input from the North American therapist.
- North American OTs, PTs and SLPs are not required to register with the licensing body in India.
- North American OT, PT, SLP support people can connect via email, text, asynchronous meetings or join directly during the sessions with clients. This is determined based on their availability.
- WhatsApp is a common means for communication at ASSA. A group will set up for each set of supervisors and students. This can be used for questions/discussion so long as no identifying client information is shared here.
- You will be assigned a project and your supervisor for the project could be different than your clinical placement supervisor.
Important Documents
Click here to view the “In Person Orientation Manual”.
Click here to view the “Virtual Orientation Manual”.
Click here to view the “In-Person Clinical Placement Testimonials”.
Click here to view the “Virtual Clinical Placement Testimonials”.
Interested applicants are asked to contact Handi-Care Intl. at info@handicareintl.org or Dr. Krishna at dkrish6@gmail.com for placement availability. Upon confirming availability, Please click and apply and upload photograph of yours and the indemnity form.
Click here to Apply Clinical Placement Form
Note: You must have a valid gmail id, to be able to complete the Application. If you do not have one, please contact us at info@handicareintl.org